A Really Apt Joke

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A Really Apt Joke

Post by fadeout1930 »

What's brown and half eaten?

The pope's easter eggs!!!
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Post by baldy.smith »

GROW UP! I find that deeply offensive and I'm not a Catholic. Show a little respect for a remarkable man :shock:
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Post by Infectedmushroom »

I think it's a little too early for jokes about the pope right now...

Maybes in a few months, but not on the day of his funeral. I couldnt give a flying hamster pap about his religious dedication etc boo boo blah blah but yuknaaaa. Chill.
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Post by brian c »

there's always one :roll: :roll:

STUPID YOU ARE.................

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Post by allan »

Baldy; What are you getting all excited about, it was a bit of an early joke, I think offensive is a bit strong. I aint no catholic, infact I aint that much of a believer, there is one think I am stuck on, why was the pope a remarkable man? What did he do? apart from living a very good life travelling the world telling people what he thinks is best for them. What I call remarkable is people that goes to some foreign countries' and works all hours helping others a lot less fortunate' and for nothing, living in squaller themselves, these are the poeple that are remarkable. The pope done everything first class, he wasn't remarkable, he was paid a very good living for what he done, and to me it wern't a lot.>>> 8)


Post by baldy.smith »

Allan, your opinions are noted.
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Post by GeoNeil »

For me he seemd like a dear old granddad with some slightly anachronistic opinions who just so happened to haave a HUGE amount of influence. Let's face it, the Vatican is pretty much the world's most expensive and exclusive old bloke's home really...

Yet Catholicism seems to have a heavy influence wherever you go, even here in an officially "Church Of England" state (our Queen's it's head that makes C of E the official religion, and after all of these CENTURIES a member of the Royal family still can't marry a Catholic!) the day that the funeral was held, one of our consultants (in fact the head consultant of the department) was watching the Pope's funeral on the TV in her office, paying her respects, Jon Snow from C4 News was noticably near tears in his newscast from Rome, certainly towards the end. I know our consultant's a Catholic, not aware of Jon Snow's religious affiliations.
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Post by sherri »

I think he was remarkable actually, for a pope. It is a bit of a given that their opinions are probably going to err on the conservative side, but to me, he was the right man at the right time and a breath of fresh air.
I suspect he was a genuine man, a good man, and he had a varied past, he lived through some interesting historical times, which gave him an understanding of life, more than some of the previous popes who had a more limited experience.
People are famous for lots of reasons-some through sport or singing or whatever. So it is fair enough that a man who had some far reaching influences was also well known.
I think his influence is not so much because of good deeds eg like Mother theresa, but more for his thinking and the way he managed to influence history. He made real efforts to overcome communism and I think at least part of the fall of communism in Europe can be put at his door.
He made huge efforts to make closer contact with the Jews and i think he succeeded in that too.
I would say his influence was very political in some ways.

Religion, whether you believe in any particular creed or not, is about a set of beliefs, of thinking. And it influences how a person lives their life. Or it can. Even being agnostic will affect how you live your life.
Thinking/philosophy/ belief and value systems-they have a tremendous influence on our lives-more so than any sportsman.
He deserved his fame.

Post by madmarvin »

he was just a man, and although death is sad in most cases, the old bug*er died, so what, is he any different to us ???

i dont believe for 1 minute that the pope had any real clout in the fight against communism, no self respecting commie boss would really take in the opinions of a man who claims to be sitting on the "throne of god on earth".

as for making closer contact with the jews........ so what, being friendly is one thing, (and the jews have always shown signs of friendliness to the western world anyway) but he would never be able to make any changes concerning the "always" ongoing crises between israel and palestine.

the catholic church (and every other church) has too much to say in political matters, and its got me stuffed why western politicians bother to take any notice of any church leaders, unless its to try and win the hardline catholic and/or protestant vote.........

the pope could have done great things by cleaning up his own backyard instead of sticking his nose into world affairs, for a start, if he read the bible, he would know that the bible teaches "FORBID NOT TO MARRY"......

how many kids would not have been raped by pedaphile priests
if those priests had been allowed to marry ???.... a marriage which would most probably have quenched the sexual thirst of most of these perverted priests ???

it is well known that some pedaphile preists were given sanctuary by the church, why didn't the pope insist that any priest caught commiting these acts be faced with the full force of the law ???
could it be that too much embarrassment to the catholic church would result in bad publicity, which would further result in monetary loss because catholics would soon realise that their sins could not be forgiven by a sinner ???

why didn't the pope read his bible and thus see the errors of the catholic church ??? ie: the grace of god and forgiveness is given freely, but the catholic church will take your money and tell you that your sins are forgiven because of these monetary payments..........

(it just go's to show....... the catholic church is basically run by a bunch of faggots who procure money under false pretences by lieing to its flock and offering them a religion that has nothing to do with god, offering false hopes and false idols as their saviours.......... sounds real holy doesn't it ???)

if anyone wants to believe in god, read the bible and discern things for yourself, dont listen to the crap preached by the catholic church......

(and the same can be said about some other churches as well)

read up on some history of the catholic church, and no, i dont mean how the catholic church was started and that "peter" from the new testament was suppose to be the first pope etc, by the way, peter was married.......
it is inconceivable to think that the catholic church's first pope was married......... liars can never get anything right.........

the history i am talking about can be found in a book called "fox's book of martyrs", it tells about how the catholic church murdered 500 million people purely because they were not catholic or would not become catholic, "fox's book of martyrs" is true world history.........lets face it, the more catholics...... the more money that can be procured.......... the catholic church is about money........ nothing else.......

and even though some catholics, nuns etc, do good works for their community, they are really only lending credibility to the greedy b*stards who want your money....... and to quote the bible...... the "LOVE" of money is the root of all evil.......

there is nothing holy about the catholic church, and there was certainly nothing holy about the pope, and there never will be.

footnote: if anyone wants to look at foxes book of martyrs online........


the papal murders start in chapter 4........ here is a small sample of what you will read...............

and children were promiscuously slaughtered and every street was strewed with expiring bodies. Some priests, holding up a crucifix in one hand, and a dagger in the other, ran to the chiefs of the murderers, and strongly exhorted them to spare neither relations nor friends.

At Barre great cruelty was used, even to young children, whom they cut open, pulled out their entrails, which through very rage they gnawed with their teeth. Those who had fled to the castle, when they yielded, were almost hanged. Thus they did at the city of Matiscon; counting it sport to cut off their arms and legs and afterward kill them; and for the entertainment of their visitors, they often threw the Protestants from a high bridge into the river, saying, "Did you ever see men leap so well?"

Instantly the troops seized the gates and avenues of the cities, and placing guards in all the passages, entered with sword in hand, crying, "d*e, or be Catholics!" In short, they practiced every wickedness and horror they could devise to force them to change their religion.
They hanged both men and women by their hair or their feet, and smoked them with hay until they were nearly dead; and if they still refused to sign a recantation, they hung them up again and repeated their barbarities, until, wearied out with torments without death, they forced many to yield to them.
Others, they plucked off all the hair of their heads and beards with pincers. Others they threw on great fires, and pulled them out again, repeating it until they extorted a promise to recant.
Some they stripped naked, and after offering them the most infamous insults, they stuck them with pins from head to foot, and lanced them with penknives; and sometimes with red-hot pincers they dragged them by the nose until they promised to turn. Sometimes they tied fathers and husbands, while they ravished their wives and daughters before their eyes. Multitudes they imprisoned in the most noisome dungeons, where they practised all sorts of torments in secret.

stuff the pope, and his filthy church.
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Post by DangerXpac »

Marvin very well thought out opinion you got yourself there in fact it hurt me to read it.. I think we should make a seperate forum for novels. Anyhoo now that im all cross eyed from reading that post i think ill take a nap.
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Post by allan »

Sherri; I agree with more or less everything you say, but so was My dad, everything he done in my eyes was good, well to the best of his ability and he wern't religious either. All I have noticed with religion; the higher you get the better the life. I do respect other peoples beliefs, so I hope they would respect mine. There is one thing I heard while my wife was watching the funeral, they were debating who is going to be the next Pope, the bloke had not been burried yet, but if thats what they do, good luck to them. Why is there so many religious movements going about! well all the top ones have been taken and you have these people that want power and wealth so they kick off with some religion and start getting followers, then they want money so in the good course of their beliefs the bottom people should pay and it aint changed for years, I can't see it changing in the future either. If that is what people want, I say get on with it. ME my life is to busy to think either way and I got a leader in my house that takes all my money, that aint religion that is LAW.>>>> 8)

Post by madmarvin »

its not just an opinion...........everything i wrote is fact.
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Post by Alice »

MadMarvin what you wrote makes a lot of sense and i agree with it all. Must have taken hours to write that out. :)


Post by baldy.smith »

ALLAN, much as it peeves me I agree with what you say in your post above. ~At least it is not a long post which is full of contradictions using selective reading and partial quotes in order to validate a point. Religion and politics have been argued about for centuries and I do not think any solutions will be found for either subject on these boards. :? [/b]

Post by madmarvin »

thanks alice, your my first convert..........hee hee hee 8)

hey baldy, show me the contradictions in my "long" post..........

recent history is full of pedaphile priests........

the catholic faith is contradictory to the bible.........

and the partial readings from "foxes book of martyrs" were put in to try and generate peoples interest into that particular book.......... so that people, both catholic and protestant can read it and make up their own minds, cos as sure as hell the catholic church would never advertise the "book of martyrs" to their flock which as i said is "true" history..........

now prove me wrong..............


Post by baldy.smith »

Marvin, you have made the assumption that I was refering to you in my post, well if the cap fits. You may well be right! If you read your post carefully you will see that you use a point to prove one thing then use the same point to prove the exact oposite. You have made it clear that "foxes book of martyrs" is your bible, that is your view. While I agree with quite a bit of what you say I do not finish up with the same conclusions as you. I have been around a bit and seen quite a lot in my lifetime and it is on this that I draw my conclusions. If the views you have expressed are genuine and not just said to wind people up then I feel a little sad about that. You are entitled to your views and I respect your right to express them. I'm sure a lot more people who post on here will be joining in with their own views but no conclusions will come from it as it is and endless debate. Cheers! :wink: :wink:

Post by madmarvin »

gooday again baldy..........

when you wrote........

.............At least it is not a long post which is full of contradictions using selective reading and partial quotes in order to validate a point............

naturally i assumed you were referring to my post as it was the longest reply so far......... and also i perceive my post to be the only one thus far to have "partial" quotes from a book inserted into it............

as i already stated, there are no contradictions in my first post and so i do not understand what you mean when you say that i...........

"use a point to prove one thing then use the same point to prove the exact oposite"..............perhaps you could clarify that for me........

foxes book of martyrs is not my bible, and it seems clear to me that you have not had a proper look at it, do yourself a favour, read it, and then see if you think the catholic church has any justification what so ever for its existence.......... the catholic church was no better than the nazi third reich in ww2 when they attempted the complete annihalation of the jews.

and i guess you had better start feeling sad....... because my first post is not meant to be a wind up, but it is genuinely meant to make people aware that the pope and his filthy church are in fact a falsehood full of fraud with a history of murder and deceit...........

but dont take my word for it.......... do your own research.........

hello s.t.e.f............. if you are a catholic, then dont take things personal,
the catholic church has been conning and robbing and murdering people for centuries.......... and thats not your fault........

it is the catholic hierarchy that has a lot to answer for........

by the way...........the only catholic hierarchy that i hold respect for is father ted crilly, father dougal mcguire and father jack hackett.
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Post by brian c »

As I've said before and will say again it's only about 400 years ago that the Inquesition was slaughtering anybody who queeried the church of romes teachings and therefore commiting the crime of heresey so how can that be considered a compassionate faith?

STUPID YOU ARE.................

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Post by sherri »

I don't think any religion,if you go back into history, is really going to show itself as compassionate or fair by modern day standards. Our value systems have changed. The past was not a 'just' time for anyone. If you read some of the texts about aboriginal killings in Aust a couple of hundred years ago, you would be horrified and might conclude the English could not be compassionate, but you would be wrong. Yesterday was yesterday and all we can do is go forward. That is not to excuse the past, but there is not a lot of point in dwelling on things you didn't do, would not agree with in the present day, and had no control of when they did happen. Not a lot of point blaming present day people either, which is one of the reasons eg I don't believe we owe an apology or compensation to present day aborigines.
One interesting fact (well, to me anyway) I heard on the news. The pope that is chosen can be ANY baptised male. There is no rule that says it has to be a cardinal or even a priest. I think it is a pretty sure bet the next pope will be elected from the ranks, but he doesn't have to be.
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Post by memor »

We used to have person that wanted nothing to do with religion.

He say that religion responsible for all the evil in the world.

I say to him. It nothing to do with religion. It to do with all nasty people in the world doing and saying nasty things in the guise of religion.

Christianity and Muslim both say you be nice to each other.

It fundamental prop of both religions.
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