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Does anybody know them????

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:45 pm
by Velma

my name is daniela, I´m from germany. In Juni 1995 I spend a very wonderful week in South Shields. I was there with my musical company from Wuppertal, we performed "West Side Story" at the customs house. And now I am looking for some old friends and a teacher, his name was Mr. Peter Lathan. The names of the friends are: Deborah Mc Kean, Christine Clare, Dean Anthony Nunn and natalia Smith. maybe some other people remeber me, like Jon oder Michelle Gray. I would be very happy if anybody would send me an E-mail or contakt me at the msn or ICQ. Please send your mails to: [email protected].

I´m happy about every mail, if anybody can help me.

Bye, Daniela

P.S excuse me for my bad english, but it´s a long time ago