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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:35 pm
by madmarvin
give me rugby league anyday, what is so good about soccer ???
its played by a bunch of shortarse gay guys who only score goals when they start to feel h*rny.........

ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh says beckham......... let me score a goal please mr goalkeeper...... then i can get a big big kiss from all of my team mates........ no wonder posh left him.

and the score lines........ quite often are a tie with the scores of both teams being nill against nill......

call me sarcastic but isn't that like sitting down at the start of the game and then checking out the scores before the game has even started ??? save your money and watch it on tele, at least the advertisements will take away the boredom.........

no wonder the soccer hooligans got so uncontrollable, they had to make their own excitement to stop themselves from going insane........ (but it didn't work did it)

and if by some miracle one team gets a better score than their opponents......... it is only a win by one goal, my god, i would rather watch the timeouts in american basketball, and they always take 10 minutes to play the last 5 seconds, talk about boring.........

what else can i say ????????? its a crap game.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:05 pm
by MC_Trilo_G
erm newcastle last night... 4-0 ha.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:44 pm
by CheeseSarnie
why bother MC

any clown who refers to football as soccer is best avoided in my view. Leave him to watching big sweaty men spend 90 minutes groping between the thighs of other big sweaty men for a testicle shaped ball. His Aunties probabally dressed him as a girl when he was little. A recent survey indiocated that 87% of rugby fans had been thus scarred.

Oi, Marvin. Name me three famous Australians?

apart from Ned Kelly. He was Irish

and Dame Edna Everage. Shes a bloke in drag and a big fan of rugby I hear

and Rolf Harris. He's... well, OK, you can have Rolf Harris.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:39 pm
by Derekftm
Rugby aint a sport
Its an excuse for big fat gay men who are too scared to come out of the closet to get together

fraid i have to agree with the sarnie fella
Spot on there m8

But Rolf Harris :shock: :shock:

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:48 pm
by brian c
How about----Jack Brabham, world F1 champ and Kel Carruthers world 250cc motorcycle champ.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:47 pm
by curly
Alan Jones - F1 World Champion
Shane Warne - googly guy
Dennis Lillee - pacy pitcher
Kerry Packer - multi media mogul
Michael Hutchens - dead rocker
Minogue sisters - best beach bums around?
Ian Thorpe - the torpdo

Don't ask me to put a list of Aussie sportspeople together, they are embarassingly good!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:51 pm
by DangerXpac
None of you all like American Football? Now thats a sport thats not boring to watch. I think im gonna have to agree with marvin thought that soccer (yes cuz im american i can call it that :wink: ) is boring.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:11 am
by curly
Yes I love American Football, went all the way to Wembley in the Summer of 1985 to watch Chicago Bears play Miami Dolphins.

Bring back McMahon!

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:14 am
by madmarvin
american football ????

ah yes...... thats the game where all the players celebrate a win by patting each other on the ass......

havent you yanks ever heard of a carton of beer ???

as for famous aussies.............

martin johnson........ the inventor of white wall tyres,
(he invented them by running over tasmanian aborigines...... who are white fellas, they just dont know it)

colin "the chronic" dempsey......... a chronically flatulent inventor who spent most of his "thinking" time in the bathtub, he invented the spa bath.

dusty williams......... famous axeman, tasmanias first accidental mass killer, this poor half blind and deaf mildly retarded axeman killed 15 greenies who had chained themselves to a wooden electricity pole in protest to the flooding of a lake for the hydro electricity commision, tragically dusty williams was charged $1500 to replace the pole.

johnathan mary macdonald.......... australias very first drag queen, australian born "johnathan mary macdonald" was a carpenter by trade, he was so proud of his scottish heritage that he always wore the traditional scottish kilt wherever he went, tragically one day as he was building an "inbuilt" wardrobe he came out of the closet, tripped over a wooden sawhorse and fell onto a circular saw wherby he was made redundant in the area of his manhood, hence the saying, "coming out of the closet, it is also thought that the "circular saw" incident contributed to the word "circumcision".

hey curly, you know your famous aussies alright.........
kylie minogue, very sexy lady, i would take her out, but the minute she started singing i would slap her.

as for ian thorpe, apparrently he is not as fast a swimmer as people think..... the word is that he is gay, and no one wants to get in front of him.

shane warne, another aussie hero treated like crap by the press as soon as he does something that others dont like.

one famous person not mentioned was "billy mcmahon" he was australain prime minister in the early 1970's........ his ears were bigger than prince charlies, he took a lot of heat off of charlies big ears, the whole world had someone else to laugh at instead.

speaking of prince charlie big ears, what do people think of old horseface camilla ???

just imagine the honeymoon....... it would look like a ferengi from star trek was screwing phar lap.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:39 am
by Scrappy
Give me Aussi A.F.L footy anyday :D , not much into rugby, roll on A.F.L season proper starting, GO THE BOMBERS. :headbang:
Although there not getting off to a good start already :angry5:

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:40 am
by MC_Trilo_G
Kylie, Dannii, Rachel Hunter, Holly Valance, Natalie Imbrulia (however u bloody spell it)

lots of fit lasses

case closed.

i like rugby too, but footy is miles better. yank footy is sh*te, they stop play everytime someone falls over, they have more protection than an astronaut, its just p*ssy rugby.

but they do go '33,24, hut hut!' which is mint

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:21 am
by madmarvin
the mc_ trilo_ g soccer rap
im mc_trilo_ g

soccers the game for me

newcastle 4, the others nil.....

a ha a ha rippet rippet rippet

newcastle 4,

the others nil....

didn't they show ??? they's got to go....

a ha a ha rippet rippet rippet

newcastle 4, the others nil.....

didnt they turn up ???.....

what a thrill.......

a ha a ha rippet rippet rippet

so im askin you....


newcastle won......

but it must have been ............a forfeit......

with four points upp ??.......

whats up wid dat ???

doin, doin, i said doin, the soccer rap......

so tell me now mc_ trilo_g.....

newcastle won ???

ho ho ho hee hee hee.....

a ha a ha rippet rippet rippet

soccer is mad soccer is crap.....

so whys yo doin' the soccer rap.....

true dat........

a ha a ha rippet rippet rippet


just jokin' mate.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:12 pm
by CheeseSarnie
curly wrote:Alan Jones - F1 World Champion
Shane Warne - googly guy
Dennis Lillee - pacy pitcher
Kerry Packer - multi media mogul
Michael Hutchens - dead rocker
Minogue sisters - best beach bums around?
Ian Thorpe - the torpdo

Don't ask me to put a list of Aussie sportspeople together, they are embarassingly good!
well at least I've heard of Packer and the Minogue dwarves

is it my turn now? OK.

King (Henry, Richard, Edward, James) versions 1, 2, 3, (etc)
William Shakespeare
The Clangers
Shelley, Byron, Keats, Charles D.i.c.k.e.n.s (edit. This comes out Dickens. :roll: )
Eddie the Eagle Edwards
Winston Churchill
Sir Isaac Newton
Postman Pat
Alan Shearer
Mick Jagger

I could go on. See, apart from six blokes in the Foreign Office, nobody had really heard of Australia until we gave you the interwurb.

oh, you missed that tower of talent, Peter Andre.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:41 pm
by Derekftm
All decsendents of criminals :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:56 pm
by brian c
We got it wrong derek-----we should have left the crims here and all the decent people should have b*****ed of to the sun. :wink: :wink:

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:11 am
by memor
In Slovenia in the winter time we have another form of Slovenia Soccer.

It consist of lots of people competing for cup.

It involve lots of people in synchronised formation knitting to see how many pairs of socks you can kniit in an hour.

It really spelt SOCKER but whats a name among friends

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:22 pm
by Bigz

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:00 pm
by sherri
hey, cheese sarnie, you missed a few.
Jack the Ripper
Prince Charles
Thomas the Tank.

Just helping you out, you understand. :wink: