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Post by madmarvin »

just so that you all know..........

nobody calls me hitler and gets away with it............

i resent it when someone acuses me of being a shortarse little kraut with a bad haircut, bloody hitler !!

i dont know what the story was with his lousy little moustache.......

either oliver hardy was his role model or eva braun needed some extra excitement in her life......

lets face it, a syphlis ridden pretzel dicked madman with only one ball probably couldn't even satisfy hermann goering let alone eva braun.......

(now i will probably cop it for putting crap on nazi's..............all the neo's will come out of the woodwork.................their is only one thing worse than a pedaphile....... and thats a neo nazi pedaphile........... or maybe a catholic neo nazi pedaphile)

elaine h (again).....

you're the one who doesnt get it............
(according to my literal interpretation that is............)

you said.....

A planet/huge meteor explodes and fills our atmosphere with dense cosmic dust.
I'm sure that that too could block out the light of the sun and moon, and let's face it, such an occurence could even be construed as a "the powers of the heavens" being shaken too.

and yes....... i concede that such an occurrence would do the damage described....... but...... we still have the reference of "ouranos" or "uranus to contend with, so i guess that if the planet/huge meteor (that)explodes and fills our atmosphere with dense cosmic dust.... was or came from the planet uranus...... then i guess your interpretation of that scripture would be correct.........

but maybe i am being too interperative.... (is that a word ???)___________________________________________________

there are other things in the bible that i could post here to strenghten what i have already pointed out..... one scripture even describes the radiation effects that were suffered by some japs in the atom bomb drops..... ie..... as they stand on their feet their flesh falls off, their eyes and tongues burn away in their sockets and mouths (words to that effect).......

a lot of these japs caught in the radiation didn't d*e until days later, but they jumped into water to try and cool themselves down, some of these people while still alive lost the flesh from their limbs........ it just peeled off..... look it up...........

and i doubt very much if anything else known to mankind can inflict the same effects as nuclear weapons......

but your welcome to try and find something that doe's..............
(maybe microwaves from uranus ???).......
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Post by Jim_in_France »


I never said you had a bad haircut!!!
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Oscar Wilde

Post by madmarvin »

WELL I BLOODY WELL DO !!!!!!!!! 8)


Post by baldy.smith »

I'm sure you don't have the one ball you mentioned either, I'll ask your local priest for confirmation, I'm sure he'll state you haven't any. As for the mad bit; well you're the one called MADMARVIN

Post by madmarvin »

methinks thou art a closet catholic....... poor bug*er.


Post by baldy.smith »

Another error on your part, I am not even a practising christian. I'm sure with the attitude you have that you must have been abused by a priest at some time or maybe you still are being. SAD SAD VERY SAD MAN (man??)
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Post by Elaine H »


Finally you concede that there could be another interpretation. And that is the only point I have been trying to make throughout this discussion, i.e. that any story, whether based on fact or fiction, is subject to interpretation and can and does get distorted in the telling/translation. (And by the way, the cosmic dust from the explosion of a planet or meteorite could also be radioactive and cause the same type of suffering as a nuclear war - so your sarcastic comment about microwaves from Uranus was totally superfluous). Oh and to get back to the nuclear winter interpretation, isn't it also true to say that a nuclear winter would be caused by MAN and not by GOD?
Regardless, you really do not need to keep trying to convince me of whether or not your interpretation of the scriptures is the correct one. That is not the issue at all. You may believe what you want to believe, but kindly allow me and others to do the same.
When it comes to religion and religious teachings, there are no "facts" per se. Everything is based on faith and belief. And in my humble opinion, there is not one of us on this good earth that has the right to say that someone else's religious beliefs are wrong. How do I know for certain that my beliefs aren't the "wrong" ones? Quite simply, I don't -I just have faith.

Because I did not agree with what a Jehovah's Witness' once tried to tell me (in connection with the scriptures), I was told that I would not be one of the chosen ones when Armageddon comes around and that I would feel the wrath of their God.
My reply to that was, that the God I pray to is a kind, caring, and compassionate God, and if their God is such an angry, wrathful one, I am glad that he is not a part of my life.
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Post by madmarvin »

gooday elaine h

i never said that god would cause nuclear winter, your interpretation on that one was way out of whack.........

and you said to me........... so your sarcastic comment about microwaves from Uranus was totally superfluous.......... dont you mean "superfleurescent" ??? i mean...... if you get hit by a bunch of microwaves then i think you would definitely "light up"......

and rather than being sarcastic, i only meant it as light humour, as far as sarcasm goe's its a wonder that someone hasn't come on and said....
"whats all this crap about ur-anus".........

as far as knowing when someones religious beleifs are right or wrong, you only have to compare their doctrine to the doctrine of the bible......

and if you look at the palestinians, and how they train their kids from an early age to be suicide bombers all in the name of allah, can you still honestly say that "there is not one of us on this good earth that has the right to say that someone else's religious beliefs are wrong".

think about that........ and then compare these suicide bombers to the murderous ways of the catholic church that i have spoken on in these very posts.......... there is not much difference between the two..........

i feel that this debate seems to be slowing down now........... so .......

can we be friends yet ??? :D 8)


come off the grass baldy........... i find it to be a bit insane to think that when people hear me telling a few facts about the catholic church ie: murder torture pedaphilia etc....... that these people see me as a racist.....

well if hating something as evil as the catholic church is racism........ then i will gladly wear that cap...........

how anyone can tolerate such a vile system that hides behind the guise of holy goodness has me stumped............

by the way im not a catholic either, so unlike so many child victims who have been caught up in the catholic system, i can honestly say that i have never been defiled by a foul disguting pedaphile preist........

who should we be defending.......... the church........ or the children.......
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Post by Elaine H »

Once again you prove my point. I am sure that it is not written anywhere in Muslim scriptures, that Palestinians should train their kids to be suicide bombers! So once again, we are dealing simply with a matter of interpretation - in this case, how some fundamentlist fanatics have chosen to interpret their doctrines.
In fact, are they not using religion as an excuse for senseless killling and violence, just like so many others, including Christians, have done?
If you look back through history, I am sure you will agree that more wars, death and destruction have taken place in the name of religion or because of religious beliefs than for any other reason.
Sad isn't it!

And as for being friends - well I can assure you that I would never hold such lengthy discussions with my enemies! LOL :D
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Post by brian c »

Isn't it amazing the hysteria caused by a joke about the death of the pope----what if it had been the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, the Grand Druid or Brigham Young-----I wonder if we would have seen the samr amount of vitriol!

STUPID YOU ARE.................

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Post by little_tata »

SSSSSHHHhhhhhhhhhhh..............for the love of God/Allah/Buddah whoever!!!!!..don't mention any other religions.......Marvin will only have to go off on a one about them too!!!!!!

( I have been reading though the post's since my last one on Wednesday, and it's been like attending a bible study group...Oh well....it is a Sunday)


Post by baldy.smith »

I am now convinced that MADMARVIN hates all mankind as he cannot find a niche for himself. This topic is not worth pursuing any longer as it will never reach a conclusion and will only encourage MADMARVIN to rant and rave more, for me the topic is closed. AMEN!!

Post by madmarvin »

hello elaine h my old friend...........

concerning "murderous religion"........
you are now confirming what i have been saying throughout this post.........(be careful..... some people will brand you a racist and baldy will accuse you of hating all mankind)
not sure about the moslem faith........ but it is my understanding that they do have written in their scriptures a commandment to kill ALL infidels......
i guess that would be people who are not moslems......

come on brian what do you mean by hysteria of the death of the pope ????
i feel it is a real shame that he didn't get to finish his easter eggs..........
i hate seeing chocolate go to waste........

hello little_tata did you realise that buddha takes on many forms ??? he can be perceived as a male or female, in my book that makes him a crossdresser and perhaps he even poses danger to children, he has got all the makings of a pedaphile preist...........

hello again baldy........
so i take it that you feel an infinitive love for all mankind ???
hitler murdered 6 million jews......
the catholic church murdered 500 million potestants......
but its nice to see that there are people like you who are silly enough to forgive monsters such as these, after all psychotic little krauts and money worshipping murderers need love too...........
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Post by Infectedmushroom »

Mad_Marvin I detest the idea of religions segregating people into warring sections and one religion causing people to believe they are better than another, but your arguments are unjustified and quite frankly read like immature drivel. I dunno what gave you this very cynical outlook on life but maybes you should see a therapist about it, you seem very bitter.

Grow up man.
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Post by madmarvin »

hello mushy.........

so you believe that quoting history is immature drivel ???

i know i have been a bit like a cracked record concerning my statements on the murderous catholic church........ but hey...... if you and others want to ignore the truth about it, then so be it........

if you people can feel compasssion for such a lowdown mongrel church.......

then perhaps you should all make a shrine in adolf hitlers memory as well, after all..... he was a mass murderer as well.........

im not being cynical or bitter, im just calling a spade a spade........
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Post by Infectedmushroom »

No, Marvin, what you are doing is grouping a whole bunch of people you have never met and telling them all they should be burned at the p*ssing stake.

Open your mind and realise that you should treat everyone as an idividual, and not self righteously predjudge a character based on their religious beliefs. Most people who follow a religion have their own interpretation of it and probably don't follow their "good book" word for word anyways.

And by the way, anyone can quote history Marvin, the immature part on your behalf is that you've quoted only one side of a story - the side that gets your point across.
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Post by brian c »

I am an athiest, my choice, but I do not go around slagging of other peoples religions, in fact, as long as you don't try and preach to me and try to convert me I support the right of anybody to worship whatever god they choose but unfortunatly there is always narrow minded bigots who cannot see the real world, they only see whats in their warped minds.

STUPID YOU ARE.................



Post by baldy.smith »

All this from a book written almost 450 years ago by John Foxe a well known extremist who was disowned by almost everyone. Known to have altered manuscripts and embelished so called eyewitness statements to further his cause of hatred and bigotry, He even had to flee the country at one point. I doubt very much that MADMARVIN has read all eight volumes of 'Foxes Book Of Martyrs". John Foxe was also known to show violence to those who dare argue with him and was a well known liar. He even took up the cloth himself to show he was a man of religion even though he continued to be a member of extremist groups. Read about the man before you read his poisonous words of hate.

Post by madmarvin »

no mushy......
what i am doing is condemning the catholic church system and its hierarchy, not the people who have been suckered into that ridiculous faith, only telling one side of the story eh ??? but what a story...... 500 million dead..........

but i keep forgetting that somehow due to my apparrent "bigotry" against a murderous regime, that this murderous regime can apparently now be counted as innocent...........

and brian, this is well said.......

........."unfortunatly there is always narrow minded bigots who cannot see the real world, they only see whats in their warped minds"..........

i can well imagine that your above words paint the very attitude that helped the popes make their decision to murder protestants........

hey baldy........

whatever foxe was like, that has no bearing on the actions of the catholic church......... would you dispute the existence of the inquisitions ???....... is that all b*llshit just because foxe like most humans also had a darkside ???

can you deny the fact that some 12 million native indians in south america were murdered by the spanish catholics ???

i will never condone the actions of such a murderous bloody church, and neither should anyone else.............
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Post by Infectedmushroom »

Well done MadMarvin for fighting against heirarchial systems, im all for liberation from any system, but I fail to see how concluding that every person associating within the catholic society is some sort of murdeous p********e is going to change the world.

In my opinion youre right, except I think youre simply attacking it rather than actively seeking to change it for the better by writing it off. You cant just write off so many peoples beliefs in one fell swoop and expect the world to change in an instant.
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