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looking for lost friends

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:26 am
by linda
my names Linda Stenton nee King and am trying to contact friends I lost touch with way back when I moved out here to aus. Mainly Avril Franklin, Lillion And Linda Dennit (maiden names). Would also like to get in contact with anyone who remembers me from school,( not that I was there much) I was born 1949 (should give an idea of when I was at which school). Horsley Hill junior school, and then Redwell secondry. Would be greatfull of some contact.

Re: looking for lost friends

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:33 pm
by David C

I am really sorry to trouble you but I have been searching for Ron Franklin (ex-Redwell School) and I came across your request to find his sister, Avril on this site. I have only just recently found out that Ron is my father and have tried to search for him but have lost the trail of where he is from two years back when he worked in Teneriffe. My only way of finding him now is through relatives and his sister is the only one I know of.

If you managed to get any details of his sister Avril I'd be extremely grateful if you could pass on my details so that she can contact me if she wishes.

Thank you

David Craig
16 The Cornfields
NE31 1YH
[email protected]
(0191) 4242417