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Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:10 pm
by jimmywizz
what so no one went to this school ? was i the only pupil ? i guess most of yous are hidding from the police abroad or a locked up !

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:43 pm
by Bigz
can u not put some schools in sunderland on cao i think that most of themn schools are in southshields!

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 2:13 pm
by jimmywizz
hi Bigz we had thought of that but decided to stick just to the shields area as we also would have ended up with newcastle schools etc etc

Re: ???

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:45 am
by Chloe
Hi I went to West Park, but got expelled just before it closed down.. Remember Mr Crawel, and Mrs Deardon... Got expelled for throwing a rubber thingy at Mr Liddle ......Memories LOL

Re: ???

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:32 pm
by jimmywizz
mr liddle the maths teacher, thats a blast from the past, he hated me lol

Re: ???

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:51 pm
by baldy.smith
jimmywizz wrote:mr liddle the maths teacher, thats a blast from the past, he hated me lol
Who doesn't. :lol:


Re: ???

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:45 pm
by Chloe
Remember that mr Budge, and mr Easton he used to run that disco at night in the school think it was a wednesday night.......

Re: ???

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:45 am
by sandysand
I went there in the first year they joined,for one term only.I must of been the only person who loved the idea.
Getting lost in the park between lessons was a must :lol:

Re: ???

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:51 pm
by sophieannabel
Mr. Easten was my dad! :o)

Re: ???

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:35 pm
by Cairngormer7374
Mr. Eastern was your Dad? Oh dear hope that isn't going to spoil a lovely friendship. He had a shop off Stanhope Road if I rememebr rightly.

I was in Stanhope from 1969 onwards. First English teacher was a Mr Ogden-believe he was sacked for having a romp with a female teacher in the school pool :oops: Then a lovely old woman taught us, can't recall her name, but i used to A's all the time. By the time we reached 5th Year we'd changed to being amalgamated with Dean Road to form West Park. Walking between sites was ok in summer but in winter -god, I remember being snowblind one day and unable to see and throwing up. Mr Eastern became our new English teacher in 5th year and he made us read "Of Mice and Men" till we knew it by heart...only to find (Mr Eastern was on the exam board ) that Mr Eastern had given us the wrong book, we should have been reading "The Long,The Short And The Tall" - so that scuppered 5years hard work and all our English Literature Grade 1's and didn't exactly make him flavour of the month with us lot. (It might have been other way round with the titles -it is a long time since).
Still, we had superb teaching from Angus McDonald (Engineering Technical Drawing- sadly passed away a couple of years back), which stood many of the lads in good stead as we were primarily targetted by the shipyards and industry, certinly made life easier for me in the yards and later in Geometry teaching; along with Mrs Ellis (Geography) -Don't know if she's still alive nowadays and still living in Hexham.
Mr Crowell was the one mentioned earlier ( back straight from fused discs after an accident) -superb maths teacher who I attribute my Maths Degree too, He died some decades ago and was cremated up the West Gate Road, Newcastle, Others included Mrs McGurk, Mr. Dale (Science) and Mr Coulson, Miss Playfoot was popular as were Mr McNaughton, (Art) Mr Black (PE) and others. Barrass the Metal Work teacher was frighteningly strict, so many opted for woodwork instead. I always remember despite the high teaching standards given to the A plus classes, a history teacher in 3rd and 4th year, gaining his Batchelor of Science Award (BSc) from Open University- He was given a standing ovasion -the first of the teachers to attain that level.

Re: ???

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:42 pm
by Cairngormer7374
There was also another super Maths teacher in Mr Brett..asked me to stop on and do A levels and go on to teach maths -"Me Sir?" Looking up at him from my diminutive position -I couldn't see out of the school windows I was still so short at the time - I didn't start growing till 16..."Couldn't possibly - I've an electrician appreticeship and anyway, my mum can't afford the fees or uniform for high school and I have to go to work to provide for her" besides I was just a kid! These were teachers!
Poverty stopped a lot of intelligent kids getting on in those days. The school trips to the Cairngorms were inspirational but cost £10 -that meant saving and working at odd jobs all year to scrape that together.

Re: ???

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 6:01 pm
by markofpity
Mr Macdonald was a fabulous teacher and a really nice man. He had the ability to make lessons fascinating rather than a chore and because of that you remembered what he told you and you got involved.

We had Mr Easten and he made us read Of Mice and Men too. Mr Easten did my English Oral CSE exam. He listened to me read and had a conversation with me then asked me why I wasted so much time being "one of the lads" when I clearly had the ability to do so much better than I was at that point. He was right of course but when you are 15 you just don't get the importance of education and being cool is far more important.

I remember Mr Liddle but we had maths with Mrs Anderson and then Mr Smith. He always looked rough and reeked of stale beer but I saw him on the Metro one teatime in about 1985. He was with Mrs Dearden and he was extremely dapper and looked to have smartened himself up a lot. It's funny, no-one seems to remember him and I guess he was pretty nondescript. I liked Mr Thomas, he was more of a kid than we were. He would confiscate your smokes & keep them for himself. I heard this and thought it was just a rumour but I once went to the staff-room and he was sitting there with about 5 different boxes in front of him & of course, they were 10's not 20's.

Does anyone remember a history teacher called Mrs Dixon. She taught me from about 1975 to 1978 when I left.

I wonder which of my teachers are still alive and which aren't. I know Mr Crowell died decades ago.

Happy days!!